May 11, 2022

How to Write a Service Page That Converts

By: Shelby Dias

Some of the most important pages on your website are those dedicated to your products or services. We recommend you write a service page (or product page) for each product/service you offer. For some businesses, this could be a lot of pages. Each service page is a potential bridge that transitions your website visitors into real-life customers, and that’s why it’s so important to get them right.

When describing your products or services on a dedicated page, you should engage your audience, answer their questions, and provide clear next steps for them to take. You can use our 4-step service page outline to help you write a service page that converts.

1. Capture Your Audience’s Attention

When writing a product page, the first order of business is to capture the reader’s attention. You can do this by asking a compelling question or stating the most desired benefit of your product or service. For example, an insurance webpage about homeowners insurance might feature the headline “Protect What Matters Most.” This is a compelling benefit of the product, and it evokes emotion from the reader.

Choosing the right image can support your headline and further capture your audience’s attention. Imagine the headline above paired with an image of a family around the dinner table. Some of your website visitors will be able to visualize themselves in the scene and immediately connect with your offer.

Explain Your Offer

After you hook their attention, you need to clearly describe what you offer. Your potential customer should be able to immediately tell if they’ve found the product or service they are looking for. Be clear about your offer and about who it is for.

Often, you can capture attention and state your offer with just a few sentences in the “hero section” at the very top of the page. After your engaging headline, write a clear description of your service in a subheadline.

Using the headline “Protect What Matters Most,” you could follow up with a subheadline “Get affordable homeowners insurance in [Your City].” Together, these two lines capture attention while describing your product and who it’s for.

2. Create Interest in Your Solution

Now that your website visitor is listening to what you are saying, it’s time for some compelling product copy. We recommend painting a picture of what their life is and what it could be with your solution. Draw attention to their pain points and describe how you help. As you write a service page, your goal should be to create a desire for your product or service.

Lead With Benefits, Not Features

It can be tempting to fill out your product descriptions with an exhaustive list of features. Unfortunately, most people do not automatically make the connection between your product features and what it means to them. You don’t want a potential customer reading your list of features thinking, “so what?” You can answer that question for them by detailing the benefits.

We recommend always leading with the benefit while describing the services you offer. If you are not sure of the difference between a benefit and a feature, here’s an example of each:

  • Feature: 24-hour roadside assistance
  • “So What?” (Benefit): You’re never stranded

Give Proof That it Works

When we are uncertain of what to do, we look to people around us (friends, colleagues, etc.) and assume they have more knowledge about what should be done. Social proof refers to the third-party signals that influence your potential customers into doing business with you. This could include:

  • Testimonials from previous customers
  • Customer reviews
  • Awards from organizations
  • Social media mentions
  • Case studies of how you helped particular customers
  • Key numbers or data that are verifiable

Including various types of social proof on your website establishes your business as more trustworthy and increases conversions. When you make claims about your product or service, be sure you can back them up. Social proof is an excellent way to do so.

3. Add Supporting Details

Once you’ve successfully created interest in your product/service and backed up your claims, a potential customer might have more specific questions. You should dedicate the rest of your service page to answering those questions.

This would be where you explain how it works, how much it costs, etc. You might use this opportunity to link to another page dedicated to a case study or your pricing. You should at least answer the most pressing questions your customers have about the specific product or service.

One of the most important questions to answer on your service page is: How are you better/different from your competitors? It should be clear to your website visitors why you would be their best choice. If your differentiation is a key selling point, you should mention it earlier on the page as part of your content capturing attention or creating interest.

4. Encourage Them to Take Action

As a whole, how you write a service page should encourage your potential customers to take action. It’s important to provide an actionable next step and give someone a reason to take it.

Overcome Objections

If you’ve done your research, you probably know your customer’s objections. Speak to those objections so that your potential customers know you understand their concerns. There are a few tools you can use to overcome objections and give that final nudge needed to get a customer to contact you:

  • Include a strong testimonial that relates to their concerns
  • Reaffirm your strongest benefit
  • Offer guarantees or lower the expected commitment
  • Create urgency or offer an incentive

Include Calls to Action

Decide what action you want your customer to take and direct them using call-to-action buttons. You may want your website visitors to contact you, schedule a consultation, or request a free quote. Whatever your call-to-action looks like, you should make it easy for the customer to take the next step.

Your call-to-action should not only be at the bottom. In fact, many of your visitors won’t read the entire service page. A best practice is to include a call-to-action throughout the page so that your visitors don’t need to scroll too many times to find a button to get in touch with you.

A Few Final Tips

The framework for a product or service page will always be the same: capture attention, create interest, support your claims, and encourage action. Remember to always write your website content with easy-to-understand language and utilize SEO keywords naturally on each page. If you’d rather not do it yourself, we can help.

With a Best Website, you can choose your service pages from our library of SEO content for your industry. If you’d like to learn more, schedule a call with our team.


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